Thursday, August 28, 2008

Uniform Musings

The age old question -- why do the young always want time to go fast? I've entered a whole new world now that I take Sophie to school in the mornings. Depending on traffic we have anywhere between 30-45 minutes each day of "quality" time together. Sometimes, the conversation borders on the mundane -- how many times can I explain why their are dotted lines between lanes on I-65? Other times the sweet -- I want to live with you and Dada forever. And sometimes, she'll even tell me what they did at school the day before. Then, there is the constant barrage of when can I ride a school bus? When will more of my teeth come out? When can I wear a uniform every day? I keep trying to convince her that if she stays in private school that in a few years she'll be wishing for the days she could wear her comfortable shorts and dresses, but she's convinced the uniform is the way to go. So, this morning she and I went to FRA's semi-annual uniform consignment sale and bought two uniforms. I convinced her that the jumper and peter pan collar shirt were just too cute to pass up, but she's much more interested in the skort and polo--who wouldn't be?

I keep trying to convince her to enjoy being little for awhile. Of course, I have to remind myself to enjoy her being little as well most days. It's sometimes hard when she's clingy or wants me to lay down with her at night or those other daily things to wish she would just grow up! But, I need to treasure every day that she's still my sweet little angel - it's amazing how fast 4 years have gone -- I know that one day I'm going to wake up and she'll be 16 than 30 and I'll be back to wishing she was my little sweet pea again buying her first school uniform.

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