Monday, October 27, 2008

Titans are 7-0!

Tennessee 31
Indianapolis 21

I've got bragging rights for at least a few more weeks.

Sophie's Halloween Self-Portrait

2007 - Cinderella
2008 - Black Ninja
Need I say more?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

That Wonderful Hauer Sister Grace

So, I fell out of a banking center today. Yep, that's right...fell directly out of the door. I know the financial services industry is struggling today, but the Bank is going to be okay -- you'd think we'd post signs saying "watch your step" as you leave not just as you enter. Quite ironic that as I limped away nursing my twisted foot and scraped up knee that I saw the sign posted on the outside! And, nothing makes an impression to BC associates like watching the coporate girl falling out the door. I hope they all enjoyed the donuts I brought them!

Sophie and I had a great weekend visting the fam and friends in the greater Kentuckiana area. We started at Fort Vallonia Days (yummy fish) moved onto mom's taco-thingy-s and ended with cupcakes at Aunt Leigh's new store, the Cupcake Shoppe. If you're in the Louisville area, check-it out! She has lots of yummy flavors -- I just had a key lime one myself for dessert. To tie this whole post together, it's really sad I twisted my foot falling out of the banking center or I might have exercised tonight and tried to walk off some of these extra pounds! Oh well... I think I'll just go eat another cupcake.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rainy Day

It's been raining off and on all day. I'd like nothing better than to curl up on my couch with my blankie. Oh well... it's off to work I go.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Krispy Kreme Dreams

Sophie and I stopped at Krispy Kreme on the way to school this morning. I had to pick up a dozen for a work event and thought she'd enjoy the treat. It was easier to just go inside since I had two orders. Her response "I finally get to see how donuts are made. I've been waiting forever." Who knew? It appears I could have just taken her to get inside KK to get a donut instead of constantly looking for fun activities. Note to self. Unfortunately, I think the novelty wore off with the sugar buzz. Oh well..I was a hero for about 5 minutes.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sadly misinformed

I really thought that when I took the "important" job at Big Giant Bank, that my days of sitting on the floor stuffing packets were over. Someone lied!

So misinformed

I really thought that when I took the "important" job at the big Bank, that my days of sitting on the floor stuffing packets were over. Someone lied!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Countdown

Only 38 days to go until we're in Disney World! I'm so in need of a vacation!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Random Thoughts

Whoo Hoo! Vanderbilt just beat Auburn 14-13 making them 5-0 for the season and leading the SEC East. Who'd have put money on that start?

I'm a horrible mother. I really thought my friend Hope's son's birthday party was today. I was completely convinced today was Oct. 3, but guess what -- it's October 4th. We actually realized this as we pulled into the party location at 4:00 p.m. today. Yes, I suck! Of course, no apologies would console the princess. She threw herself on the floor of the car, she cried, she screamed, she told me I was horrible. I tried to explain that it was an accident - "No it wasn't! You did this on purpose!" Yes, because I LOVE melt downs. The kicker to this story -- she doesn't even know who Will is! We eventually ended up seeing Beverly Hills Chihuahua. It was actually very good. She cackled through a lot of it. Of course, we also ate a large popcorn and box of Snow Caps - topping off my day as Mother of the Year.

I'm going to bed...

Friday, October 3, 2008

RIP Mollie Vincent (1995-2008)

Today is a very sad day for the Vincent family. We've lost our sweet doggie, Mollie. Though I often referred to Mollie as my "step" dog, I loved her very much.

Mollie came to live with Damon not long after he moved to Nashville. A friend found her wandering around their neighborhood and knew she needed a good home. Damon accepted. They've been together ever since. Mollie's famous for her "circus" trick -- sitting on her rump with paws up in there and head/torso swaying back and forth -- we call it her circus trick. She was definately a one-trick puppy!

Although in some ways, Mollie's life was better before Riley and I (Damon actually cooked veggies for her every night), I think she found her best friends first in Riley than later Sophie. Although she continued to love Damon and I very much!

Of course, a couple of our all time favorite Mollie stories involve food. The first was when Susan and I baked Christmas treats all morning one holiday season. We left and went somewhere for a few hours. When we came home, many of the treats that had been on the dining room table were gone. Apparently Mollie, Riley and Zarah had climbed up on the table, snatched the goodies and then proceeded to hide them around the house. We were still finding cookies hidden in closets and such months later. The next incident was again during Christmas -- Mom had left the turkey carcas up on the countertop. We came home from our annual movie adventure to find the turkey spread all over the house and three very sick dogs. I don't know exactly how they communicate but Mollie and Riley have a way to "talk" and often got into mischief.

Mollie's life changed again in 2003 when we learned we were expecting Sophie. She was quite mad at first and spent most of my pregnancy getting into the trash. Then Sophie came home. We were initially worried about what the dogs would think of the baby, but Mollie loved her from the first instant. Since Sophie was able to get down and play with her, the two of them have been inseparable. In fact, Mollie won't sleep anywhere at night except in Sophie's room. No matter how much Sophie dressed her up or rolled around on the floor with her, Mollie was her willing companion.

Though we don't know her exact birthday, we think she was around 13 this year. In a good/bad kind of way, she left us fairly quickly. Although she was sick all last weekend, we really thought it was just a "bug." Little did we know that her kidneys had given up and the end was near. After a week of tests and heartbreak, Mollie's life ended today. She will be buried in our backyard in a special garden area we are creating. We will all miss her very much!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sophie's cheers

Look what Sophie's learned at school?! PreK is so much more entertaining than daycare.