Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Damon's Heroine

So, yesterday afternoon Damon called to tell me he had lost his wedding ring. Now, I know other men out their have lost theirs more than once (KC--you know who they are!) but this was most upsetting becuase it was originally his Dad's wedding ring! It's just not something we could replace. When I got home I tried talking him through all the places it might be...sinks, bed, Kinkos... we were getting very discouraged. Mainly because this is the house that eats jewelry - how I lost a diamond earring that was in its case I still haven't figured out! About this time, the princess got in the bathroom and announces "Daddy I found it!" Sure enough, she was holding his ring. The cutest part was she was so afraid she'd be blamed for it being there. We were praising her and she kept saying "I didn't put it there. " All is now well again in the Vincent household!

On another note, I think informercials may be the root of all evil. Sophie can quote them verbatim. This morning after discovering I had forgotten her library book she says..."you need that organizer. It comes with a button you push to help you remember. It's also big enough to hold an umbrella." Pretty much direct quotes from a commercial we saw months ago! It's not wonder the child wants everything she sees on tv!

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